Angela C.


 The #1 struggle I hear from many of my clients is they struggle with nutrition and knowing really what to eat so adding meal planning to my services was something I feel was heavily needed to help my clients more as well as many others.

What inspired you to add meal planning services to your business?

The #1 struggle I hear from many of my clients is they struggle with nutrition and knowing really what to eat so adding meal planning to my services was something I feel was heavily needed to help my clients more as well as many others.

What 3 things would you tell someone who is looking to start meal planning for their clients?
  1. Find a software that is easy for you to use and easy for your clients to understand – nothing worse than a complicated plan to create more stress for the client.
  2. Outsource if you don’t know what you are doing in this department, get help writing the plans because it can be complicated.
  3. Don’t overthink how to provide the plans, I’ve wasted hours in the past trying to perfect plans I wrote for others, work smarter on them instead of harder.
How has Evolution Nutrition helped your business?

It has allowed me to provide additional services because the software is there for me to utilize and very easy to use and provide a very top notch service to your clients and better results.

How do you motivate your clients to stay on track with their meal plans?

I encourage them to track of course but I also have many talks with my clients to not strive for perfection when following a plan.  Remember the goal is to be better than you were the day before and take baby steps to making these changes.  If you mess up, it’s OK and to expect it to happen.  I have a lot of mindset talks with clients.

What is your general heathy eating philosophy?

My philosophy is to create a lifestyle change.  I generally coach clients to follow a more balanced lower carb plan that is maintainable while creating results they want to see, but at a healthy pace.  Nutrition is not only about our appearance but more so about quality of life and how we feel on the inside is even more so important.

What ways of eating have you found to be most successful for clients with weight loss goals?

Low carb plans have been the most successful for me and my clients and especially for maintaining their goals.  Mixing it with Intermittent Fasting for some clients as well has created the best results to date.

What 3 foods do you suggest everyone make part of their day?

1. Fruit of their choice
2. Sweet potatoes, rice or oatmeal for some clean carbs
3. Eggs

What does an average day in your own life look like, food wise?

I generally do Intermittent Fasting 3 x a week and the rest of the week eat every 3-4 hours of a balanced meal or snack.  My favorite breakfast is oatmeal and eggs, I use a protein shake 1-2 x a day for a snack combined with a fruit or some almonds.  Lunches and dinners for me are a lean protein, my favorite is salmon or turkey mixed with carbs in my lunches and I taper them off in the evening!  I do mix in a cheat meal usually 2-3 x a week and enjoy myself.  I’m a fan and live by the 80/20 rule of eating clean 80% of the time while 20% eating what I want with my kids.

What type of exercise do you encourage your clients to do?

A combination of weight training and cardio.  I will often encourage a few days of weights + cardio and mix in 1-2 days of an interval style workout.

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  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
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