Keto vs Atkins

What is the Difference Between Keto and Atkins Diets?

When people talk about a low-carb diet to lose weight, there’s a high probability they are discussing either keto or the Atkins diets. You might be asking yourself, but aren’t they the same thing? While keto and Atkins are two of the most popular versions of low-carb dieting, the similarities end with limiting carbs. To help you determine if either of these diets are appropriate for your clients, here’s what you need to understand.


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Virtual personal training

How to run virtual training classes?

Virtual training classes aren’t a novel idea. Fitness professionals have been delivering at home workouts to the public for generations through VHS tapes, DVD’s and now on-demand and streaming. The Information Age, or the Digital Age, has changed the accessibility and delivery methods available, allowing trainers to tap into a much wider audience and grow their business in ways that were previously unattainable.

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Home Workouts Online

How to workout at home without equipment?

We’ve all heard the excuses before. I’m too busy to drive to the gym. I don’t have transportation. I’m a fulltime parent and can’t leave home. I can’t afford the monthly membership. The gym is intimidating. Other people will judge me.

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Meal Planning Calendar

How to Use Google Calendar for Meal Planning

A lot of your clients will tell you it’s hard to get started with good new good habit-like meal planning. It takes too much time. They don’t know where to start. They don’t know how to keep track of it. That’s where Google Calendar and you come in to help your clients form and consistently maintain a healthy eating plan.

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Weight Loss Truth

Extreme Weight Loss Diets

The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss

You’ve probably been there. You’re chatting with one of your clients before a session and they tell you they have a big event coming up and they need to lose some weight--and fast--to look their best. They talk about some pills, concoctions, or fad extreme weight loss diet they heard about promising the quick results they’re looking for. 
The first thing to tell them is to be careful.

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5 Tips for Helping Your Personal Training Clients Build Healthy Habits

My PT Hub | Evolution Nutrition Guest Blog

Meta Description: Encouraging clients make positive lifestyle choices is part of your job as a personal trainer. Use these tips to help them build healthy habits that stick!

5 Tips for Helping Your Personal Training Clients Build Healthy Habits

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Drink in moderation with fitness goals

How to Drink in Moderation and Skip the Extra Calories

When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, drinking can sabotage all of your efforts to lose weight, get healthy and stay happy.


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New personal trainer advertising & marketing

How to Market Yourself as a New Personal Trainer

You’ve spent years training your body and mind to be a healthy and fit individual. Maybe you’ve dialed in your nutrition and you have made huge progress over the recent years. What’s next?


Well, if you want to help others through the same journey - becoming a Personal Trainer is one of the best ways to do this. It is a rewarding job that not only supports you financially but can also bring meaning and fulfillment to your life as you help your clients achieve greatness.

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How much to charge for meal plans?

How much do Personal Trainers charge for Meal Plans?

As a personal trainer you’ll find that your clients will have many different needs and the more value you can provide, the more the relationship will benefit and lead to long term success.


It goes without saying that nutrition is one of the most important aspects of overall health and fitness. The fuel you give your body allows you to perform, heal and live to your fullest as a healthy individual. Clients want to feel and look good as they live their lives.


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3 Simple Steps for New Clients

Do you remember the excitement you felt when you decided to become a fitness professional? What drew you to this calling? For many it was the opportunity to help other people improve their lives in a significant way, while also making a good living.


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Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch