
Avocados - The Magical Fruit

Avocados are one of the healthiest and most versatile foods on the planet. So much so that many folks refer to avocado as ‘the magical fruit.’
If you’re interested in elevating your health and fitness, and adding tons of nutrients and healthy fats to your diet, then avocados should be your go-to food.
Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the magical fruit.

Avocado Nutrition 101
For anyone who’s wondering, avocados are classified as a fruit. And while most fruits are high in sugars (fructose, primarily), avocados are rich in healthy fats and promote cardiovascular and brain health.
The most common avocado variety, the Hass avocado, offers the following for 100 grams:
•    160 calories;
•    2 grams of protein;
•    15 grams of healthy fats (and are low in saturated fats);
•    9 grams of carbs (7 of which are fiber);
•    Vitamins B5, B6, B9, C, E, and K;
•    Potassium
•    Small amounts of manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and several other minerals.

Fun and Exciting Avocado Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

•    Avocados contain over 20 vitamins that help keep us healthy and vibrant. They are also filled with fiber that aids our digestive system.
•    Avocados are rich in monosaturated fats that are vital for brain function and also contain plant compounds that may prevent cancer.
•    An average-sized avocado has about 355 calories.
•    Are you worried about where you’ll get your avocados come wintertime? Don’t. Avocados are always in season! They grow year-round in Mexico, and, from February to September, they also grow in California. Throughout the year, additional avocado crops come from Chile, Peru, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, and numerous other countries.
•    Avocados, as we mentioned above, are classified as a fruit, as they are technically single-seed berries and fit all of the botanical requirements to be in the fruit category.
•    Hass avocados are the most popular variety and account for a whopping 80 percent of the world’s avocado supply.
•    Are you wondering about avocado’s protein content? In 100 grams, you get about 2 grams of protein, which equates to about 4 grams in each avocado. The amino acid profile of the protein varies slightly depending on the variety of the avocado.
•    In case you were wondering, avocados grow on trees. More specifically, the Persea Mericana tree that originates from South Central Mexico and grows up to 20 meters in height.
•    You can save half an avocado by wiping it with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or olive oil and keeping it in the fridge. It can last a few days like that.

Lactose Intolerant? Here’s How Avocado Can Replace Dairy In Many Recipes
Oh, yes. As we mentioned in the beginning, avocados are among the most versatile foods out there, and you can even use them as a substitute for dairy. Here are some smart ways:
1.    Use them in smoothies as a substitute for yogurt or milk.
2.    Cream them with a food processor and use them as a dressing for salads or entrees.
3.    Whip yourself a mousse or pudding using avocados with your favorite flavors.

With all of that said, if you’re interested in a delicious meal planning recipe, check out our  Avocado Egg Breakfast Toast - it’s delicious, nutritious, and it doesn’t take much effort to put together.

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